Holy Week at FCCBC

We invite you to join us for Holy Week us as we journey through the eye of the needle in our annual remembrance of Jesus’ self-offering, crucifixion, and resurrection. This year, the artists and clergy of A Sanctified Art will be leading our reflection through their art, poetry, and liturgy as part of the Wandering Heart worship theme we have been exploring this Lent.

Together we’ll commemorate Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, watch and wait and wander with Peter as he fumbles in faith on Good Friday, and celebrate love’s triumph over death at our joyful Easter Sunday celebration.

Additionally, we invite you to come walk the labyrinth in our Sanctuary on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of Holy Week. We’ll have extended open hours on those days so that folks who work can take part in this powerful spiritual practice


Palm Sunday Worship: March 24th, 10AM in the Sanctuary and online

Labyrinth Walk: March 25, 26, 27, 9AM-7PM in the Sanctuary

Ecumenical Good Friday Service: March 29, 12PM in the Sanctuary and online

Evening Good Friday Service: March 29, 7PM in the Sanctuary and online

Easter Sunday Worship: March 31st, 10am in the Sanctuary and online

You can access our live streamed services via our Facebook page!

Nate Craddock