Temperature Emergency Mitigation and Provisions (TEMP) Plan

When extreme temperatures impact our city, you can be part of a volunteer corp that is mobilized to support those in need of safe, accessible shelter and other services.

The Calhoun County Temperature Emergency Mitigation and Provisions (TEMP) Plan is a city-wide coordinated effort to support homeless and housing insecure residents during extreme cold and extreme heat.

Upcoming Training Events

TEMP Volunteer Trainings are being conducted at First Congregational Church on the following dates: Click here to sign up.

  • Part One: Wednesday, Dec 11 from 3:30pm to 7:30pm

  • Part One: Saturday, Dec 14 from 8:30am to 12:30pm

  • Part Two: Thursday, Dec 12 from 3:30pm to 7:30pm

  • Part Two: Saturday, Dec 14 12:30pm to 4:30pm

Meals and snacks will be provided.

Be a part of our volunteer team. Here are a few ways you could help:

  • Cook and serve meals at shelter locations

  • Volunteer your medical expertise as an onsite health resource

  • Organize donations as they arrive

  • Clean and restock restrooms at shelter locations

  • Go out with Outreach Teams to encourage homeless and housing insecure residents to seek shelter

  • Support logistical needs by answering phones, coordinating with volunteers and other duties at shelter locations