Posts in From Jaimie
The Endless Journey Toward Integrity

I had a deeply impactful mentor during my early ministry preparation as a young adult. Let me tell you, she had her hands full. At 22, I was exceptionally full of myself and lacking in life experience (which is never a great combo.) It didn’t take long for me to find myself in over my head in a situation I was wholly unprepared for in ministry. She went to immense lengths to support me, including opening up her home as a safe haven for me to land as I wrestled with my personal, spiritual, and vocational calling. At the time

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"You shall be like a watered garden..."

This past Sunday, FCCBC hosted a memorial service for Tom Neal, the primary gardener at the Fremont Garden just up the street from our building. Tom spent thousands of hours planning for and working in the garden. He loved the idea that he was planning, building, planting, watering and growing so that his community could have access to fresh vegetables each summer. If Tom was working in the garden and someone stopped to chat, he would often talk them into helping him with whatever project he was working on. He would post

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