This year’s musical theme: O Chicken of Little Faith
Sometimes fears and anxieties can make us feel like the sky is falling! on her last day on Grandma's farm, Faith falls into an afternoon nap after a busy day of playing, and into a dream where she thinks she has fallen asleep at night and forgotten to lock Grandma's chickens safely in the coop. In a panic she looks for them--and quickly finds them--now human sized chickens wearing party hats celebrating their freedom from the coop. Concerned to get them back home safely, she discovers they must cross the Pit of Fear, the Mountain of Expectations, and the Forest of the Unknown--exaggerated “dream versions” of things she is dealing with back home in real life. While facing these dangers (along with an unending stream of chicken jokes and puns), Faith is reminded of all she has learned from God's word which empowers her and her new poultry pals to trust God with their fear and anxiety.
Dates, Times and Cost
August 7-11 from 9am to 1pm each day, youth ages 8 and up will learn the songs, choreography and dialogue for "O Chicken of Little Faith” to perform for family and friends on Friday evening. There is no cost and each child will receive a t-shirt. Choir Campers will need to bring a sack lunch each day. Click here to print a registration form or fill out the form below.
Performance: Friday, August 11
Family and friends are invited to attend the performance of O Chicken of Little Faith on Friday, August 11 at 7pm at First Congregational Church.
Please note: a form will need to be filled out for each child planning to attend.