Every church is organized uniquely. For some churches, their organization, power structures and decision-making processes are determined by their denomination. Our denomination, the United Church of Christ, highly values the role of each congregation in determining how their local church will be organized. We are called the “congregational” church because we value the role of congregational discernment in decision-making. Power is meant to be shared rather than concentrated in one person or one single group.
Since calling together the entire congregation for every decision is not practical, the Church Council is entrusted with much of the work and discernment of church oversight in between congregational meetings that take place twice a year (January and June). The twelve member Church Council is elected by the congregation at the June meeting each year.
FCCBC’s Church Council does not use Robert’s Rules of Order to reach decisions. It uses discernment, listening and consensus. Decisions are not made or implemented until clarity emerges and all members are willing to offer their support to the decision (even if there is not full agreement.) Rather than asking for a yes or no vote from each Council member, members are asked to offer their concerns, support and questions until general consensus is reached. The Council President plays a key role in listening for consensus.
If you have interest in serving on the Church Council or would like a current roster of Council members, please contact the Church Office.
2023-2024 Church Council Members
President—Randy Case
Vice President—Jane Parikh
Treasurer—Dave Schweitzer
Immediate Past President—Mark Johnson
Susie Mumford
Andy Helmboldt
Greg Miner