Mission, Vision, Values, and Strategic Priorities
To embody God’s love on earth by growing a welcoming, diverse, caring and passionate community that feeds the mind and fuels the spirit.
Our vision is to be a hope filled community that embodies the radical hospitality of Jesus.
We seek to discern the presence of God in the face of every stranger, in creativity and beauty, in silence and in listening to every voice.
We yearn for relationships that grow beyond casual acquaintances to authentic friendships that transcend differences in age, ability, income, race, gender expression and sexual orientation.
We seek to be a growing community where questions are explored from many perspectives and heartfelt discussions are encouraged.
We are compelled to stand with those who are suffering and marginalized as we work for a world that more fully expresses God’s dream of justice and peace.
We become the Body of Christ through acting on our values outside our walls.
As we share in the work of creating community at FCCBC, we do so from different points of origin. We are diverse in our bodies, perspectives, experiences, interests, beliefs, and priorities. In all of these differences, we share certain values at the center of our life together. These values inform our sense of belonging, how we behave, and how our beliefs are nurtured in this place.
We believe that every person is created in the image of God, and is an essential part of the Body of Christ.
Therefore we seek to know, honor, respect, make room for, dignify, and delight in the unique presence, gifts, and goodness of every person who is part of our wider community and church.
We believe that just as individual and communal healing was essential to the ministry of Jesus Christ, so it is essential for His church.
Therefore we strive to give and receive healing care and presence. This reflects the love and mercy Jesus gave to His disciples and passed onto us with the words “go and do likewise.”
We believe that God’s creation is full of beauty that inspires joy and deep reflection.
Therefore we encourage creative expression in all its forms in worship and within our community. Together we create and behold spiritual testimonies that find expression in creative arts. We strive to maintain beautiful facilities that are inviting and inspiring.
We believe that Jesus models for His followers a good and faithful life.
Therefore we seek to follow in the example of Christ, developing spiritual disciplines for the sake of our own transformation and that of the world around us. We seek to actively grow and live out our Christian faith in the world.
We believe that human diversity reflects the perfect expression of God’s creation.
Therefore we celebrate every seeker, embracing differences of sexual orientation, gender expression, marital status and family structure, age, mental and physical health and ability, racial and cultural identity or background, and education and socio-economic status.
We believe that God calls us to live in right relationship: with God, with one another, and with creation.
Therefore we value solidarity and accountability with those who bear the impact of unjust powers and principalities. We value ongoing learning and faithful attention to where pain and brokenness exist in the world. We engage the work of identifying and removing barriers within and beyond our walls.
We believe that wisdom comes from God and is best discerned in community.
Therefore we engage our curiosity, doubt, and questions, in order to learn and grow in our faith. We bring many voices together to distill individual perspectives into truths held in common about God’s preferred future. We have a deep desire to learn about God, humanity, and living together faithfully.
Inspire Hope
Embody Compassion
Foster Creativity
Promote Health
Nurture Belonging