Completing the Circle

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When you come in the doors or log on to Facebook for Sunday worship at FCCBC, what goes through your mind? What inspires you, excites you, challenges you, and motivates you to walk your faith more deeply throughout the week? How does worship help you to embody God’s love?

We know that our worshipping life has changed a lot over the decades, and even in the past couple of years as Pastor Nate has transitioned into leadership with us. We know there’s been some conflict and consternation, too—no sense in ignoring it. But worship is something that we all co-create, each and every one of us, together, and we have a responsibility to one another to ensure that our public worship is representative of the heart of our mission and vision as we grow into the next phase of our story together at FCCBC.

That’s why we’re inviting you to participate in a series of Completing the Circle gatherings to help give Pastor Nate and the worship team helpful feedback on our life in worship together, so that we can breathe together, imagine together, and co-create the kind of worship that gives voice to where we are now and helps us envision who it is that God is calling us to become. 

We’ll gather once a month for half an hour in a small group after worship to share our thoughts and to listen to one another in prayerful, heart-centered conversations with members of the Human Relations team from Church Council. Pastor Nate will be listening in from the sidelines so that he can learn how you share your experiences of worship and we can build a common language together.

If worship is important to you, we’d encourage you to consider volunteering to take part in these crucial conversations. Please sign up at the welcome center or with one of the HR Team members after service. We will provide a few sample questions for you to be thinking about as you attend worship over each week, and we’ll gather for an initial conversation in early November. If you have any questions, please reach out to Sue Case, Russ Claggett, Carmen Meinhardi-Dale, Ross Schimmel, or Marj Misenar as they will be the ones guiding our conversations. We’re eager to hear what you have to say!

Nate Craddock