Sunday Morning Hospitality Opportunities
If you would like to embody God’s love through hospitality on Sunday mornings, here are a few ways you can help with fellowship time after worship:
Making coffee and putting out treats/snacks: several pots of coffee are made and placed into dispensers, paper products are put out (stored in the pantry) and treats are put out for everyone to enjoy. Training is available! A sign up sheet is at the Welcome Center.
Donation of treats/snacks: cookies, muffins, breads, fruit and snack mixes are all welcome. (Please note that if you bring an item in, it may be frozen or stored for another week, depending on inventory.)
Clean up: after fellowship time, items will need to be stored, dishes will need a quick three step wash, rinse and sanitize and all food trash will need to be taken out. A sign up sheet is at the Welcome Center (or if you see clean up starting, join in!)
Welcoming and conversation: fellowship time is a great opportunity to meet newcomers. If you see someone you haven’t met before, be sure to introduce yourself and find out more about them.