Lent 2022: Full to the Brim

We’re coming up on the beginning of Lent, that wonderful season where we deepen the wells of our being so that Easter joy can fill us more profoundly and overflow into the world around us. This year, the artists and clergy of A Sanctified Art will be leading us through our Lenten season with art, poetry, liturgy, music, and other resources gathered around our Lenten theme, Full to the Brim!

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Nate Craddock
Discovery Study and Next Steps for Our Building

For several years, FCCBC has been preparing itself for and researching how it can transition to a new model for managing its building and transforming the building into a community space. Some of this work has been slowed by the pandemic, but it continues to be a goal we have been slowly working toward. FCCBC has an opportunity to develop a road map for a way forward into making this idea a reality.

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Jaimie Fales
"You shall be like a watered garden..."

This past Sunday, FCCBC hosted a memorial service for Tom Neal, the primary gardener at the Fremont Garden just up the street from our building. Tom spent thousands of hours planning for and working in the garden. He loved the idea that he was planning, building, planting, watering and growing so that his community could have access to fresh vegetables each summer. If Tom was working in the garden and someone stopped to chat, he would often talk them into helping him with whatever project he was working on. He would post

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Epiphany Season Series: Lighting the Way

We like to talk about compassion, service, justice, equity, and wholeness. We strive after these virtues in our lives, and with starry-eyed hope believe that we can change the world. But it’s not that easy, as most of us have already figured out. That’s where our Epiphany season teaching series picks up.

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Nate Craddock
Spring 2022 Wisdom Series: Encountering the Wisdom Jesus

Who is Jesus to you? Son of God? Savior? Master teacher? Misunderstood prophet? Failed revolutionary? Dangerous nobody?

Maybe you're not so sure of what to make of the whole "Jesus" thing. Maybe part of you wants to have a connection with this person, but the behavior of so many of his contemporary disciples turns you off. Maybe you too wonder and grieve at how his radically inclusive message has been forgotten while pundits and politicians have turned him into a piece of slick political branding or a weapon of oppression.

It was never supposed to be this way. Is it possible to fix it?

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Nate Craddock
From Jaimie: “And then I decided to go to grad school...”

Last week, I finished my final exams for courses in Hebrew, Church History and the Hebrew Bible at San Francisco Theological Seminary. In many ways, it feels surreal to attending seminary/graduate school (online). Seminary has always been something on the horizon. To find this opportunity in the midst of so much happening in the world (global pandemic, social unrest, etc.) feels even more significant. Many years ago when I began to feel called to ministry, I could never have expected

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Jaimie Fales
Christmas Eve Service

There is no room for Mary and Joseph in the inn. They are displaced from their home, journeying to fulfill their civic requirements to be counted in the census. And yet, the time comes to give birth where they are, and so a humble home is found.

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Emily Fowler
Frey Memorial

Longtime FCC member Dorothy Frey passed away November 6th, 2021. The family will receive friends 9:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m. Monday, December 13 at Farley Estes. A memorial service will be held 12:00 noon Monday, December 13, 2021 at Fort Custer National Cemetery.

Click here to view the obituary and more details.

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Emily Fowler
Community Partner Highlight: Charitable Union Now Hiring

Our community partner, Charitable Union, seeks to provide clothing, bedding, menstrual products and small household items at no charge and connect people to resources in the community. They operate just a block from our building on Calhoun Street.

They currently have several open positions, both paid and volunteer.

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Jaimie Fales
FCC Supports Local Elementary Schools with Snacks

In September, Battle Creek Public Schools notified it’s families that due to logistical slowdowns caused by supply chain issues, the food they had planned to be served for the month may not be available as planned. They asked families to donate snack foods to fill some of the gaps in their breakfast and afternoon snack menus. First Congregational Church also provided additional support with donations of snacks to both Post Franklin Elementary and Fremont International Academy.

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Jaimie Fales
Grant Awarded to Fremont Garden

The Fremont Garden, a community based neighborhood gardening initiative, was awarded a $4,000 grant from the Michigan UCC Conference Innovation Awards. These grant monies will be used to install city water hookup at the Fremont Garden to make watering much easier! Currently, a volunteer uses water from a neighbor’s home and hauls drums of water from

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Jaimie Fales
Rooted in Love Celebration Sunday, October 31st

Join us for a special Stewardship Sunday on October 31st! We will be hosting Olive Chin Baptist Church, which meets in our Chapel each Sunday and enjoying lunch together after. Lunch will be provided by Chef Cherry Vassar and everyone is encouraged to bring their own tableware. If you forget the tableware, we will have paper products available. A menu will be provided the week prior with vegetarian and gluten free options available. If you have a specific dietary need we can accommodate, please reach out to the Church Office.

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Jaimie Fales
Stewardship 2021: Rooted in Love

At First Congregational Church of Battle Creek, we seek to embody God’s love here on earth in real and practical ways. If we are to live into our mission, God’s love cannot simply be an intellectual exercise or something we sing and pray about each week. So what is it, then, that motivates and enables us to show up in real and vital ways as a faith community? Ask yourself: what roots you here?

Our Stewardship theme of “Rooted in Love” draws inspiration from

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